Make Life Easy | Autonics
Autonics MISSION
Autonics enriches the quality of human lives
by creating new values that will make the world more convenient.
by creating new values that will make the world more convenient.
Autonics MISSION
Autonics, as Korea's leading industrial automation company,
contributes to industries, the world and human lives
by developing and providing better automation solutions.
Autonics takes the lead in creating convenient world
under sustainable growth by supplying various products
and taking social responsibilities.
contributes to industries, the world and human lives
by developing and providing better automation solutions.
Autonics takes the lead in creating convenient world
under sustainable growth by supplying various products
and taking social responsibilities.
autonics MISSION
For a better lifeAutonics dreams of a convenient life for everyone. Beyond the automation industry, Autonics is now making a more convenient life for all of us.
And more convenient worldAutonics dreams of a prosperous life for everyone. Autonics influenced each individual positively in many ways and is now beyond personal enrichment and leads to the enrichment of all humanity.
We make new valuesAutonics dreams of creating new value. Autonics, we are not afraid of failure and challenge, continue innovation by creating differentiated value.
To become the industry's leading provider of automation products
by delivering key customer values through Autonics ORANGE Solutions
by delivering key customer values through Autonics ORANGE Solutions

ORANGE Solutions

ORANGE Solutions
The primary values offered to our customers through our products and services. These values include optimized performance, high reliability, advanced technology, new products and services, globally competitive products, and maximum efficiency.
Optimized SolutionWe maximize efficiency with optimized solutions in industry.
Advanced SolutionWe lead the market with the advanced solutions that are one step ahead of others.
Global SolutionWe become a global standard and leap forward as a trustworthy company.
Make Life Easy
Make Life Easy
Autonics' corporate slogan, Make Life Easy,
embodies the company's will to create a better world
by making customers' lives easier and more convenient
embodies the company's will to create a better world
by making customers' lives easier and more convenient

Make Life Easy
WE RESEARCHAutonics researches and develops a wide range of products ranging from sensors, controllers, actuators and software. We provided differentiated customized service to each individual.
WE CARE CUSTOMERSAutomation has influenced the convenient lives of many people, not only in industries but also in daily lives. We will advance into various future automation fields such as smart city, mobility, and artificial intelligence and lead the path toward a more convenient world.
WE PROMISEAutonics promises a new world to our customers with our mission of creating a better world. We will provide differentiated value that contributes to our customers' lives and society with specialized technology and services.
Autonics fosters a happy family, healthy company and a better society.
Rooted in our people-centric philosophy, we place a strong emphasis
on cultivating empathy and effective communication.
Rooted in our people-centric philosophy, we place a strong emphasis
on cultivating empathy and effective communication.

Core values
The eight core values reflect the identity of Autonics : our principles, beliefs, and philosophy
Be Customer-DrivenCustomer value is our top priority
Be Action-OrientedLet your actions speak louder than words
Be EthicalHold yourself to high ethical standards
Be DeterminedNever stop challenging yourself
Be CreativeAlways think outside the box
Be CooperativeBe open to other's perspectives
Be PassionateSelf-driven attitude about your work and life
Be SelflessBe considerate of others to create a better future together
Autonics CI
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