ARIO Series - Slim Remote I/O
ARIO Series Slim Remote I/O
The ARIO series slim remote I/O offers Ethernet/Fieldbus communication I/O with modular expansion up to 64 units in various I/O types. The coupler modules are available in various communication protocols. The push-in connection method offers simple and easy wiring for improved user convenience. The hot-swap feature allows the terminal unit and body (control) unit of the module to be disconnected from the base (communication) unit without stopping power or communication for easy maintenance.
Automobile Assembly Process
Remote I/O applied in automobile manufacturing process to setup Industrial Ethernet/Fieldbus communication I/O for real-time control of multiple robot machines.
Automated Automotive Manufacturing Process (Video)
Automated Automotive Manufacturing Process - Stamping process / Welding process / Painting process
PR materials
Technical data
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