TN Series - 2-DOF PID Temperature Controllers (Program/Fixed Control)
TN Series 2-DOF PID Temperature Controllers (Program/Fixed Control)

The TN series temperature controllers offer high precision temperature control with two-degree- of-freedom PID algorithm, high-speed sampling speed of 50 ms and ±0.2% measurement accuracy. The temperature controllers feature simultaneous heating and cooling control, group PID, zone PID control and anti-reset windup functions for optimal temperature control in various applications.
Electric Furnace
The set temperature (SV) and control status (Run/Stop) of multiple controllers can be synchronized in separated zones.
Raw Material Mixing Tank
Temperature controllers are used to control appropriate temperature and time for each raw material to equalize the production quality.
Sterilization Machine
Temperature controllers are used to control and maintain appropriate temperature for sterilization in machines.
PR materials
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